
two more days packed with things to do and time commitments aplenty.

but inadvertently, i wonder if i’m making the best use of time.

after all, time spent being busy doesn’t necessarily equate to productivity.

i’ve gotten myself into a few commitments that demand my time. but i’m sure there are still ways i can improve my productivity.

they say the 30s is where we are at the peak of our powers — this is the decade we burn life’s figurative candle to work for what we truly care about.

i caught a glimpse of that today when i watched a video of a friend proclaiming God’s gospel.

there’s an aspiration, and that’s the possibility.

that’s a chance at glory, and i hope i’ll step into it strongly.

yet, so often we choose mediocrity instead.

because it’s comfortable; because it’s what others are doing.

we worry, we fear. sometimes we aren’t even sure what for.

but is the comfort of a life of mediocrity truly worth the discomfort of an extraordinary life?

why do we want to do what everyone else is doing? especially against the backdrop of a world where everyone is hiding.

hiding from God. hiding from truth.

hiding from life.

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